Code things I want to try (or have tried) at some point.
I want to make 2025 a year of going out of my comfort zone and really learning how things work under the hood. I want to rely on libraries less and less. I started programming with javascript (not even plain JS! But React of all things!) and while it’s been easy to get started with, I feel like my knowledge of how to implement things on my own has been severely stunted by it.
Programming Languages
I’ve used various programming languages since I’ve started seriously learning code back in December 2020. There also are a few (a lot) that I want to learn eventually.
Languages I’ve used a lot
Like I mentioned earlier, I started programming using javascript. This still is the language I’m most comfortable with, although I’ve since started using typescript more. Types are pretty neat.
Languages I’ve used a moderate amount
Since getting started with the Godot game engine I’ve been using my fair share of gdscript. For backend webdev… If I’m not using JS or TS? [[code/lang/csharp|C#]] and java are the only two languages that I’ve actually touched quite a bit. I prefer C# out of the two.
Languages I want to learn
Because I want to learn to do more things (but not everything) by myself, I want to learn Löve2D for game development. From a brief look at both Löve2D and MonoGame I think I like Löve2D better? The only way to find out is to actually use it, though. And for that I need to use Lua.
I don’t actually know what I want to use Rust for yet. Honestly, I’ll probably keep it simple and just use it for some backend web development. I don’t really want to go too deep into it, just enough so I can keep contributing to PluralKit.
Golang is in a similar boat as rust. I want to use it for some small web services. Not much more than that. I don’t have any specific project in mind for it.
Meanwhile C++ and Zig I don’t really have any plans for - okay that’s a lie. I want to use both for Petz reasons. I actually already know what I am going to need C++ for, and Zig is more so I can do some low level things that I cannot do in JS… I guess I could also use C# for those things though. But I want to learn Zig!
I know I’ve got more languages on my bucket list but these are all that I can actually think of concrete reasons for learning.